What a fantastic conference it was. Thank you so much to everyone involved... C U next time!

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Shaping Smiles: The Role of Active Aligners in Modern Dentistry

(The Old Ship Hotel, Brighton, BN1 1NR)

This conference successfuly took place on 1st February 2025, new date coming soon, watch this space...

Clear Aligner Therapies and Case Selection Clear Aligner benefits and limitations

Participants will learn how to assess and select appropriate cases for aligner therapy, understanding key factors that influence treatment success. This session is ideal for those looking to expand their knowledge of aligners and integrate them into their practice.

Maximising your team and the business case

Participants will learn strategies to maximize their team's potential, whether NHS or Private, enhance marketing efforts, and build a strong business case for clear aligner therapy. The session will cover team roles, effective patient communication, and marketing tactics to attract more cases, helping practitioners increase profitability.

When aligners go wrong- troubleshooting

Cases do not always progress as expected. We often default to requesting refinements that lengthen the treatment course. Often we can apply more effective solutions. We will give delegates their perspective on problem solving before, during and after treatment. Join us to understand what can go wrong in clear aligner treatment and how you can be better prepared to avoid some of the pitfalls.

Hands-on workshops

Choose between two practical workshops: one focused on mastering 3D digital intraoral scanning, where you will practice capturing accurate digital impressions, or learn how to place composite attachments with expert tuition. Both workshops provide valuable skills to enhance clinical practice.

Biomechanics of Aligner treatments

We will take a deeper dive into how to effectively treat a variety of malocclusions using clear aligners, including the strategic use of TADs to enhance results. Topics will include optimal aligner design and evidence-based approaches to improve outcomes. Attendees will gain insights into how to maximize aligner performance and apply the latest research to clinical practice.

IPR, attachments and retention

This lecture will focus on interproximal reduction (IPR), composite attachments, and retention in clear aligner therapy. Participants will learn effective IPR techniques, the role of composite attachments in tooth movement, and best practices for ensuring long-term retention after treatment, all aimed at optimizing outcomes.

The Case review cafe

This session will feature a dynamic discussion with industry experts, allowing participants to submit patient records/ cases  for discussion, ask questions and engage in dialogue about key topics covered throughout the event. This interactive forum provides a valuable opportunity to clarify concepts, share experiences, and gain insights, ensuring a comprehensive understanding before concluding the programme.